Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Day of Remembrance

I have to share this poem that was in our church bulletin today:

Lady Liberty Cried

Another bright September day
Another sun-filled day
She stands her ground
with endless pride
As planes above her fly

She looks upon her children
Her loved ones dear to heart
As they go through
their normal chores
Some only just to start

But soon the peace was shattered
As men so filled with hate
Soon turned their rage
to senseless acts
To meet their horrid fate

First one and then another hit
Impossible to seem
Two other impacts elsewhere
As in a horrid dream

Tho some did fight the evil
As heroes they had died
And as the proud twins
met their fall
The Lady Liberty cried.

know I'll never forget that day and feeling so scared and confused, but in the days that passed I knew America was safe. God was with us and He put in place a president who would find those responsible and make sure it never happened again under his presidency.

We found another lost dog yesterday. He is super sweet and Lucy actually gets along with him. We put up missing signs so hopefully his owners will see them. If not, we'll take him to the no kill shelter. For now Jason is loving having a big dog!

We celebrated Gma Ridley's 86th birthday yesterday. We all had lunch at Mimi's Cafe and Linda made her banana pudding. She is such a blessing and I think she had a great time with her family!

Just a cute pic of my Lucy. She is having her teeth cleaned next week and I'm a little nervous because they have to put her under. I'm sure she'll be fine. I just keep telling myself that!

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