Sunday, September 18, 2011

Warrior Dash

The Warrior Dash is a 3 mile obstacle course held in an open field in Manchester. The same field where Bonnaroo takes place. I decided to do this race with Jason and Tom because surely 3 miles can't be that bad, right? Well, when you throw in about 8 obstacles and they give you 1 cup of water the entire race, it's bad! I faced a lot of fears yesterday. Height and fire were the biggest two. Some of the cargo net climbs freaked me out, but I completed all of them with the help of Jason pushing me through!

The before pic.

People were dressed up in some crazy outfits! I even overheard some guys saying they drank liquor in the parking lot before they ran. I would die if I did that!
Tom pushing through the mud pit. He had a much better time than Jason and me.
My first thought when I saw the mud, ugh I'll just go for it!
I was so tired by this point that I just held onto Jason's leg and let him pull me through!

You could donate your shoes after you finished. One girl was actually sitting on top of this pile while someone took her picture. Disgusting!Check out the random dude that jumped into our pic. Takes all kinds!
Thanks to my mom for fixing my hair and coming along for moral support! Jason's mom and sister were there, too. They got some great pics! We both finished in 54 minutes which shocked me. I thought it would be worse. This really was fun and I'm glad I did it, but my entire body still hurts today!

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