Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Five Rabbits and a Funeral

So Vandy had our large burial service for the anatomy donors at Woodlawn Cemetary last week and these guys had taken up residence right on top of the burial plot. The backhoe missed these guys by inches, but the grounds crew was going to re-cover the area with more dirt and these guys would have been buried. We could have told them just to watch out for the rabbits, but these guys looked like they eat babies and kick cats for fun, so da da da da da da guys-who-have-know-idea-what-they-are-doing to the rescue!

There are actually five in there.

Ity-bity babies. I so wanted to take them home. The mom was around but since we had to move the whole nest we didn't know if she would come back. However, the wildlife rescue lady I frantically contacted to save these guys from the cat kicking rednecks told me that wild hares less than 10 days old raised in captivity have a 95% mortality rate. We had to leave it up to mother nature.

Be vewy vewy qwiet, I'm hunting sweeping wabbits.

Cuteness that fits in the palm of your hand.


Erica said...

That is adowable!

Mendy said...

Awwwwwww, those wabbits are so cute! Thanks for trying to save them, that's our Jason, haha! I would've done the same.