Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Graduate

We went back to the dachshund picnic this year to help raise money for the rescue group. They moved it to Nashville Shores which is so much closer to us.

Lucy kept getting in line for a hot dog, but no luck!
Emily graduated from preschool on Saturday afternoon. I cant believe she will be in Kindergarten starting in August. I thought I would be very emotional but I didnt cry much at all!

Love this one of her with Larry! She looks so happy.

And this one. Ive never seen her smile in so many pics!

I think Mimi will be framing this one.

All her classmates and teachers.

They all sang a couple of really cute songs and Emma knew all the words. Each child stated their name and what they want to be when they grow up. Emily said she wanted to be a singer/actress and live in Beverly Hills! I cant believe she even knows what Beverly Hills is!

Probably her favorite part of the ceremony. The cupcakes.

Jasons sister turned 30 on Friday so we all went to the Omni Hut on Saturday to celebrate. The Omni Hut serves Polynesian style food and Jasons entire family loves it.

Emily checking out the waterfall.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Wow cant believe Emily is going to to kindergarden next year! Love your dress!
You said Jason and his whole fam loves Omni Hut. Do you not like it? I have wondered if its good. We have never been.