Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rock Creek River Gorge 10.2

I had the River Gorge 10 mile race this weekend along the Cumberland Trail in Chattanooga. This is the cabin me and dad always stay in. It's 15x15 and just has beds and a mini fridge. My favorite cabin ever! If I could just convince Heather to live in it I'd by one just like it.

Dad got the big bed on account of his spine surgery. The bunks took some maneuvering to get out of. Trail ended up having more short uphills than I had trained for, so I didn't do as well as I wanted. Came in at 1:42 and really wanted to be around 1:35. There's always next year.

Pretty nice view from the start line.

One of the 10 creek crossings. I think this was Big Suck Creek and it did suck big time. At mile 6 the guy in front of me caught his foot in some wet rocks and rolled it really bad. I've never heard a guy scream like that.

Cool pic of a tree that when it uprooted brought a huge boulder up with it.
The last 2 miles were all up hill over some nasty rock gardens. Nobody's ankles felt too good at the finish.

1 comment:

Mendy said...

I would live here! Well, okay, by myself. I love it!