Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Please, No More Snow!

We've had more than enough snow this winter! Today is about our 5th round, with 3 inches falling overnight. I will admit that yes, this morning when I stepped outside I was momentarily in awe at how gorgeous the neighborhood looked. However, I forgot all about this picture of peace when I hit the interstate on ramp. 35mph all the way in to work! I'm really ready for 80 degrees and sunny skies. I can't stop thinking about the boat, flip flops, and tank tops! We had a weekend of warmer temps when we visited my Dad in Tampa. I forgot to take pics, but we had a great time. Oh, and the good news is the forecast for Saturday, aka Emily's skating party, is 50 degrees! If you'll remember, last year we were unable to attend her bday party due to snow.


Erica said...

I have 50 degree weather but misting rain to go with it. My dish towel mildewed this week b/c it can't get dry. Good times!

Elizabeth said...

Girl I hear ya. Its so beautiful but I am so over it. I too am longing for sunshine and flip flops!

Laurie said...

wow! You guys got a lot more than we did!

Mendy said...

That is so beautiful! It's funny how you're so sick of it and we would do ANYTHING to have just a tiny flurry here:) I would love to see snow! We usually get snow/ice a few times a year, but nothing yet. Can you believe?!