The Warrior Dash is a 3 mile obstacle course held in an open field in Manchester. The same field where Bonnaroo takes place. I decided to do this race with Jason and Tom because surely 3 miles can't be that bad, right? Well, when you throw in about 8 obstacles and they give you 1 cup of water the entire race, it's bad! I faced a lot of fears yesterday. Height and fire were the biggest two. Some of the cargo net climbs freaked me out, but I completed all of them with the help of Jason pushing me through!

People were dressed up in some crazy outfits! I even overheard some guys saying they drank liquor in the parking lot before they ran. I would die if I did that!

You could donate your shoes after you finished. One girl was actually sitting on top of this pile while someone took her picture. Disgusting!

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