Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Our Summer Vacation

Well, Colorado was definitely busy! We stayed in Denver and Leadville, and we also took a day trip to Boulder. I'll have to do a couple of blogs to have enough room for all the pictures I took.

While Jason and his Dad ran the half marathon, Kim and I toured the Tabor Opera in Leadville, Leadville is an old mining town 2 hours southwest of Denver. In the 1800s its population was around 30,000, but now its about 3,000.

These carved seats were rare at the time because they were so expensive. The Tabor family had mining money.
Where the rich people sat. I definitely felt out of place!

Our Bed and Breakfast in Leadville.

Our postcard view from the B&B. I could get use to this!!
The Delaware Hotel is where Doc Holiday frequented.

My birthday lunch in Leadville. I love wearing this shirt on my bday, I always get free stuff!

My birthday dinner in Denver. Jason picked the Altitude restaurant and it was delicious!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Love the pictures! It looks beautiful!
Way to go Jason on the run. There is no way I could do a 1/2 with elevation like that!! Thats awesome.
Glad you had a great time and got to spend your birthday somewhere fun.