Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Birthday to Remember

We are still alive here in TN! We didnt sustain any flood damage to our house but I cant say the same for my workplace. The 1st floor of the womens hospital had flood damage and forced a couch threw a window. It was the worst day at work. None of the elevators were working so I got plenty of exercise! All of our computer equipment was in the basement, so we had no working computers. Anyway, I made it home safely and Im going to attempt to work tomorrow but Vandy still has alot of water around it so Jason has a 3 day weekend.

I took this on my way home from work. Its about 10 miles from where we live. If you zoom in on this pic you can see the house in the background that has water up to the roof. Ive seen this type of flooding on TV, but to see it in my city is insane. Yesterday, we saw a portable building floating down I24. Crazy.

Last night we celebrated my moms bday at Olive Garden. We had a small group due to the weather but still had a great time. Happy Birthday to the best mom!!

I love this one of Emily. When the mood hits her, she will smile!

Lucky Mimi got 2 purses!!


Mendy said...

I've been following your weather on the news! My goodness.... I am sure many people are either thanking the lord or kicking themselves for having good insurance! Especially that house with water up to the roof! And Happy BD "Mom," you got some adorable purses!

Anonymous said...

I like your hair curly!!!

Gina said...

I have been following the flooding in TN, too. I have been praying for you and my husband's family that lives there. I know from experience, it is tough to endure Mother Nature, but I know y'all will make it through alright and TN will bounce back!