So, Emily looooves lip gloss and has since she was about 2. When she puts it on, its all around her mouth. It looks like she has been eating fried chicken! Someone bought her a ring with lip gloss inside and she wore it to daycare last week. Well, her teacher noticed she had been applying it ALL day but didnt think anything about it. A short while later Miss Tiffany noticed Emilys friend Bryson had lip gloss all over his face. When she asked them why they both blamed each other. Emma said Bryson wanted me to kiss him, and Bryson said she wanted me to kiss her but I didnt want to! Hilarious. I guess we will never know who kissed who!
You never kiss and tell!!! Ha!
Oh boy, your brother and Sylvia are going to have there hands full with the boys chasing after Emily. She looks so grown up in this pic.
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