Monday, September 24, 2012

My two Faves

Sweet Lucy with her favorite person! She would sit her all day if Jason would let her. She started limping about 3 weeks ago, and an X-ray showed she has arthritis and bone spurs in her right front leg. We put her on Glucosamine and she's been fine since. Unfortunately, the X-ray also showed 2 bladder stones. She is on a special diet for 6 weeks that consists of wet food (she hates it) and no treats or people food. Needless to say, she is NOT happy! Only 3 more weeks and she will have another X-ray to see if the food has dissolved the stones small enough where she could pass them. If not, surgery is the other option. We are really praying the food will do the job!!


Erica said...

Feel better Lucy!

Mendy said...

Hope you feel better soon Lucy!
