Friday, February 25, 2011

She's Ok!

Lucy had a little surgery on Monday to remove a few moles. The major one was on her back and since it was infected, they had to make a pretty large incision. When we came home on Tuesday, she hadnt tried to pull out her staples, but on Wednesday she had pulled out 5! Thank God Jason got home before me so he was lucky enough to see the damage. I would've puked first then taken her to the vet. So, now she has to wear the cone and she is NOT happy about it. I'm so thankful her surgery went well and she's on the mend!


Mendy said...

The cone sucks! I hate when they make us wear those things. OMG! Hope you feel better soon.

Erica said...

Poor baby girl! Belly rubs from Mexico!

Joy said...

have you seen Up? it's the cone of shame ;)