Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekend Recap

Friday night Emily's school had their chili supper/auction fundraiser. Mom won a Tim McGraw blanket and Emily won a Hannah Montana poster. I bid on 5 different items and didnt win a single thing! Emily had a blast getting her hair spray painted and playing games with her friends.

The finished product.

Can you tell pink and purple are her favorite colors?!
My Nanny will be 85 on Tuesday, but we celebrated today. She is such a blessing in all of our lives. Emily was so proud of the jewelry she picked out for her. If you look closely you can see Emily lost her first tooth this week! It hurt my heart because she is too big too fast.

Unfortunately, my aunt Liz is having surgery tomorrow, but that means I have 2 dachshunds at my house! Temporarily anyway. I cant stop taking pics of these 2 dogs! They are so cute. Jason isnt as thrilled as I am, but he's been very helpful. Lilly is so sweet and she loves to snuggle. This was the best pic I could get!


Erica said...

How is Lucy liking the other wiener?

Heather and Jason said...

She tolerates her.