Monday, November 29, 2010

7 Years and Counting

I love to celebrate the big events in life, and our first date was pretty momentous! After dinner we walked around Opryland Hotel taking in the sights. I was so sad when the hotel was flooded in May. It had 8ft. of standing water in the conservatory. 6 months later its completely restored and more gorgeous than ever!

I've been dying to ride this boat but the line is always a million people long. To solve that problem, we went on a Monday! It's a short ride, but really the best way to see the hotel.

Love this man!

I didnt get a chance to take many pics on Thanksgiving, but I did snap this cute one!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Jason and I were wondering if it was back open. Glad to know. We are wanting to take the kids to take some pics!